Tom Kranz uncovers the ways in which authors, artists and musicians find their creativity, especially those who find it later in life or hidden under layers of denial. Artists, writers and musicians aren't necessarily born that way. Or, maybe they are and just don't know it.
The Medical Musician Initiative
A near-death experience inspired professional musician Andrew Schulman to create the Medical Musician Initiative, teaching musicians to become part of the care of critically ill patients in ICUs. Having benefitted himself from the healing power of music, Andrew is on a mission to bring a dose of medical music to every ICU around the world. The autobiographical account of his life, death and rebirth Waking the Spirit has attracted attention globally and remains a compelling story of survival and inspiration.
Music selections performed by Andrew Schulman:
Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison
Little Theme in D by Peter Williams
Andrew Schulman
Medical Musician Initiative
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