Tom Kranz uncovers the ways in which authors, artists and musicians find their creativity, especially those who find it later in life or hidden under layers of denial. Artists, writers and musicians aren't necessarily born that way. Or, maybe they are and just don't know it.
Summer Reading Special
Tom Kranz
Season 5
Episode 11
Three authors, three books, three ways to enjoy your summer reading!
I invited three of my returning authors to tell us about their new books, all coming out during June, 2024. There’s something for everyone here, to wit:
- Fork Social Media! (And the algorithm it rode in on). Sudi “Rick” Karatas returns for his third visit to Type. Tune. Tint. with stories of social media users who ended up booted, suspended, tossed because the algorithms can’t take a joke. We agree that it’s necessary to guard against hate speech and posts/comments that advocate violence and crime. Bravo! Unfortunate, the policing is done by little pieces of AI programming, algorithms, that don’t know that misinterpret you and a friend “shooting the breeze” as advocating violence. Or the guy who needed to “bomb” his basement for fleas. Or the Dolly Parton impersonator, legit and approved by Dolly herself, who is frequently banned for impersonating someone. Maybe you have a story of being tossed into Facebook jail!
- I Like Black People...The Good Ones! Author Marklyn “Mr. Direct” Johnson prides himself of speaking plainly and honestly about everything from gender to race. As a 50-ish Black man, he’s lived a life of well-meaning and not-so-well-meaning people saying things he calls “microagressions,” little things that marginalize or insult people of color. “You’re one of the good ones,” is a classic, along with “You’re a credit to your race,” and “You speak so well” are just a few. He also has a modern and sobering take on Black history.
- Island Serenade. Charles Wiedenmann’s first foray into fiction is a light and airy romance novel that pairs a sweet hotel housekeeper with a high-powered rock star at a luxury resort on a tropical island. The story has no sharp edges, a perfect beach read designed to be pure escapist fare for summer. Charles unleashes his imagination to all of our benefit resulting in an easy story to fall in love with.
I brought all three authors on board for this special summer episode.
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