Tom Kranz uncovers the ways in which authors, artists and musicians find their creativity, especially those who find it later in life or hidden under layers of denial. Artists, writers and musicians aren't necessarily born that way. Or, maybe they are and just don't know it.
Escape from Addiction, Embracing the Good Life
Australia’s pre-eminent recovery guru brings his positive energy to the world. It took sheer exhaustion from a 17-year heroin addiction to simply stop the madness. And in 2009, he cleared his head and began living a life devoted to better health and commitment to helping other addicts.
"I'm incredibly blessed to be where I am today,” he says.
At age 48, Danny Shannon is a college graduate, an expert on helping addicts get and stay sober and the developer of an online program and mobile app designed to allow addicts to create video journals to help chart their progress. And thus was born Encapsulator, an easy way to record a video journal, born of his early use of video during sessions with other recovering addicts.
This is Danny’s remarkable story of recovery and rebirth.
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