
Inspired by a child’s friendship

November 09, 2023 Tom Kranz Season 4 Episode 16

Elementary school teacher Sabine Posy did her share of virtual teaching during COVID while her two young children learned virtually in the next room. Her daughter Nora was a social butterfly who got antsy sitting in front of a monitor. Her son Nate, younger and already a shy boy, worried her. When the lockdowns were lifted and it was time to go back to school, would Nate’s socialization be harder?

She was pleasantly surprised when Nate made a friend in preschool, another boy named Harry. 

“Their friendship was very inspiring. He made friends with Harry. They helped each other.”

That inspiration moved Sabine to write and illustrate her first children’s book, Nate and Harry Are Great Friends, a story emphasizing the simple concept of friendship.

“The pureness on their friendship, the pureness of their love, it’s like no matter where they were in the building, after dismissal when they’re going home or during drop off, you know, they would greet each other with the biggest heartwarming hug.”

Sabine, an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, still sees some kids catching up from social and academic deficits caused by the isolation of virtual learning. Listen to our conversation or watch our video.

Nate and Harry Are Great Friends is available at:

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