
Modern Improv: Don Berman & Dick Valentine

February 12, 2023 Tom Kranz Season 4 Episode 4

The Seattle music scene is as eclectic and diverse as you can possibly imagine. There's all kinds of music for all kinds of people and the musicians making it own it to the max. Don Berman and Dick Valentine both settled in Seattle more than 30 years ago. They found each other more than a decade ago and realized that they shared a common sensibility--breaking out of the traditional musical boundaries they grew up with and venturing into the art of free improvisation. While it's not understood by all, those musicians who express it are fully committed to telling stories through motifs and sketches. They leave it up to listeners to feel the sound and draw their own conclusions. In this conversation, we explore Don and Dick's brand of free improv and hear some of their successful performances.

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